Thursday, January 1, 2015

Be Thankful Each Day

For many, New Years marks a new beginning, a clean slate. It is also a reminder of blessings, a day to give thanks. However, as my family sat, knelled, and laid on the floor to pray, I realized I could not recall the first half the of year, so how could I give thanks for something I seemed to forget?

In May, I had surgery, and I am still alive and well, and at the moment, we gave thanks to God, I forgot to thank him for one of the hardest trials in my life. Nevertheless, my mom did not forget; she prayed with a grateful heart. My father also praised God for taking care of all year long. Was I not grateful to God, having forgotten one of the acts he did for me?

I am grateful, but His blessings are so abundant to count in one day, one night, one hour. New Years should be a time of celebration, of course, but it should not be the only time of reflection and thanks. Each day is a gift, full of blessings and wonder. There is awe all around us, simply by seeing a sun set or the laughter and smile of a loved one.

Perhaps, this past year had difficulties for you. I know mine did. Many times throughout the year, I faced hardships and wondered how I would continue to move forward in the midst of my sorrow. However, in spite of my pain, I learned to be thankful because I am blessed with a supportive family, surrounded by caring friends and even co-workers, and most of all, I am loved by a loving, merciful God who never abandons me. No matter what you encountered last year and might fact this coming year, know that you are loved by God who gave his son for you. Please know that you are here now, and that in itself is a blessing.

Therefore, I challenge to see beyond one day of the year, beyond New Years. For each day, you should reflect on what that day has brought; be thankful for the good and the bad; see the blessing all around you; and mostly important, be a reflection of love and blessing to not only your loved ones but those who might despise you. Life is not easy, and it is full of hardship, but it is also full of awe, wonder, and love, but it must all start with you. Be wonder and love in someone's life, for I have learned that it is better to give than receive, and it is better to love than be loved, for only then the world can be as God intended to be, full of love. <3 Happy New Year and God bless you. :)