Sunday, July 21, 2013


There are times we look in the mirror and see nothing valuable. Our vision is clouded by the mistakes of our past, the wounds inflicted by others--even ourselves, and the flaws we cannot seem to fix. Thus, we are blinded by the criticism of others and our own, always believing we are never enough for anyone. Yes, that is what we see in the mirror. It is not the reflection of who we truly are, but of whom we have become after all the weathering by life. What do you see? What is your reflection?

Many of us try to put a strong front, acting confident. Others' mirrors are always dirty while others have a few clean spots. It is rare to accept yourself for who you are, yet why do we expect others to accept us? Acceptance must first come from you, allowing yourself to know that it is okay to mess up. The world does not end at one mistake; instead, it blossoms, leading us into a whole new level of maturity and self reflection. By making those mistakes, we are able to grow and the roots that holds us become stronger. The storm will come, but our roots will remain firm. However, how do they become this way? 

The Creator of the Universe reminds us of this: “...My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness...” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Our flaws--our weakness--are opportunities for God to grow in us. There are many areas in our lives that we cannot accept or seem to let go. We might not comprehend why we speak, sing, talk, walk, look, think, etc in a certain way. At times, we may hate it and desire to be like others. Yet, in those flaws, mistakes, wounds, and weaknesses, God becomes strong in us. His Glory shines in us. 

One day, I asked God why I looked the way I did. In a vision, the Lord took me to a mirror. I only saw light and could barely see my face. Then, He said, "This is how I see you: a radiant light. Everyone else will see my Glory shine in you." The same is for you. He confirms it with his word: "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18). It was then that I knew that God saw me more than I saw myself. I was worth more than I ever thought. 

I am not saying it is easy to believe it, especially when there are many whirlwinds in life that tear us apart. Nonetheless, you, who feel worthless and invaluable, are must more than meets the eye. You are so special that you were bought in blood, which was shed by Jesus Christ. You are worthy, thanks to Jesus. When you welcome Jesus your heart, you are not only forgiven all your sins but are also made into a child of God, of the Most High. Every blessings in Ephesians 1, calling you beloved, blessed, holy, and so forth are true. YOU ARE WORTHY! 

So I call you today to forgive yourself, forgive those who hurt you, repent of your sins, and open your heart to Jesus. For you are more than what you and others see. And when you look into that mirror again, remember to tell yourself: I am the child of the Most High. I was bought with the price of blood. I am Worthy because Jesus Christ lives in my heart.

God bless you,
Claudy <3

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