Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hold your tongue.

    In various occasion, frustration overcomes me due to a plethora of things: no internet, pestering brother, unanswered texts of someone you're worried about, long days at work, and the list goes on. The problem is that this frustration converts to impatience to anger to sadness to loneliness until I end up crying. However, through this progress, there are many people who suffer my wrath. And then, I feel horrible because I didn't mean to be mean. It was all driven by emotion, by temporary bubbles boiling within my being. Yet, the consequence of those actions and words can be everlasting. 
    What one fails to realize is that in the midst of those emotions, the worse--at times--can come out. We become people we do not recognize or even like, yet the overwhelming emotion within us steers our words, striking the heart, mind, and soul of another, possibly a loved one. The bible says in Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue...(ESV)." One simple word can make or break a person. One simple word can bless or curse. One simple word can create or destroy. That is all it takes one word. 
    In knowing this, it makes me wonder how many wounds I caused as well as how many were inflicted upon me. I remember that my past relationship was verbally abusive, thus, making it emotionally and mentally abusive. His words are the scars on my heart right now. It amazed me how much his words had impacted me. Talking to him one day, he said: "your love was destroying me." That hurt. How can love destroy? Love is one of the most precious things, and in my opinion, I was doing my best to love him in Christ. I was putting myself last for his needs, so how was it destroying him? However, that wasn't my biggest concern. Those words embedded into my head like an overplayed song. After that, I started to believe that maybe my love was destroying my family and everyone around me. And I would cry. 

     However, that wasn't the case. My ex didn't want my love, didn't understand love, and doesn't even know love. I know that God loves me, and that when I love, it's His love reflecting, not mine. Yes, sometimes, Claudette's worse will come out, but God mends everything that is broken. So those words, I cancelled them in the name of Jesus Christ and declared that my love didn't destroy, but that my love is from God, shining upon the world. Maybe someone's words hurt you and the wounds are still there. You must cancel those words in the name of Jesus Christ, declare words of blessing over your life, of truth--God's truth, forgive them, and let God heal you. Since you understand that pain and how those words marked your life for some point, it is essential that you hold your tongue in times of frustration, impatience, anger, sadness, and loneliness. Words can give bless or curse, give or take, destroy or create, and give love or take it. Don't let yourself be the same creature that wounded your heart, but be the one helps heals those who are wounded in Jesus' name. :) One simple word can impact and transform a life forever. Be a blessing. Be courageous. God bless you <3 


  1. i was so touched by your love, love where can hate be?

  2. Wow. This is powerful, Claudy. It strikes close to home 'cause I have a sharp tongue. I can really relate when you say that someone's words mark your life. I was for 12 years mentally and emotionally abused by my older brother, and I'm still getting over it. I've learned to forgive him with the help of the Spirit, and its been a relief to me. I love everything about this post, so keep writing! God bless you, Claudy. You've been a blessing to my life since I met you online that day...

  3. aww thanks, Kevin!! :) And yes, keep on forgiving because in reality, forgiving is a benefit for you :) You allow yourself to be healed and release all the poison within you. I am glad that it has helped you, but most importantly, I am glad God used it for His glory as well as to bring you closer to Him :)
