Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Busy Bee

The healing continues. Sometimes, it takes time to move on from a relationship or to even leave that person. However, it is not impossible. Life offers a plethora of opportunities for us. We need to take advantage of them. People spent so much energy trying to make a relationship work that they forget about their needs and dreams, even about their friends, family, and God. They, especially teenagers, lose out on their relationships with others and those opportunities.
Now that I do not focus on that boy, I spend time on myself. Thus, I did not have time to blog as well as not think about him. That is one of the secrets to moving on: FOCUS ON YOURSELF! Do nice things for yourself, such as get a pedicure, go shopping, out with friends, to the movies, etc. For instance, since I wanted to learn another language, I am taking a Mandarin class. It is important to take risks and do things we always wanted to do. When we are in a relationship, it keeps us from focusing on ourselves and taking the time pursue our dreams.It is not only about doing what we have always wanted, but it helps us stay busy.
This past weekend was so busy. I literally had something to do all day; there were no dull moments. I spend time with friends, the youth group, and my family. Nothing is better than being with those that care about you, vice versa. Being in good company is important because they support and understand you. Happiness does not depend on that person who you were in a relationship, it depends on God; it comes from inside. There are so many things in the world to do: go dancing, learn to knit or bake, get a job, study more, write, read, volunteer, etc. There are many activities to do! Get involved and make plans.
When you start to be active, your mind will clear. You realize that your life is blessed and fulfilling. That person is far from your mind when you are enjoying yourself. It is okay to have some excitement in your life because you deserve it. You should not be sad, lonely, and bored because of a relationship, especially when that person hurt you. There is not guilt in being happy, after all, whether you left them or they left you, it didn't work out for a reason. so why dwell on it and let it bring you down? Do not let it. Enjoy life, and be happy. Being a busy bee is beneficial. Like the bee, be protective and fly freely through a field of flowers. :)

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