Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Petition of my Heart

There he stood. Tall, short-brown hair, white complexion, green eyes with hints of hazel, and wearing a suit: my ideal man. His kindness reflected by the way he kissed my cheek and addressed his worries. I had never felt such love. So many years passed as I waited for him. Finally, I found him, and he was everything I wanted, plus more.
As I sing along to worship songs, I am taken back by the greatest desire in my heart. Each time I see a man of God giving him praise, my heart melts. Worshiping God elevates my heart, mind, and soul to a whole new level, where I can be one with Him. My mouth and heart constantly want to exalt Him. Thus, my future husband will be a worshiper in spirit and truth. A man who can completely surrender his heart to God in worship, prayer, and humility, is a worthy husband. Why? Because this man will know true love, 1st Cor. 13:4-8 love. If one does not have a heart conformed to that of Jesus, they cannot love like this. My heart's petition is to find love, a man who accepts me for me, flaws and all. I know that a true man of God, one who loves him above all things, will love me like God does.
Any time I think about my past relationship/friendship, I remember my prayer to God for a man who loves Him above all things. So it does not sadden me. I know God has greater things for me. Many times, we want to settle with what we have when God wants something greater for our life. We might stay with a person for a long time because we think we "love" them when in fact, we are used to them. Or the sole fact that we want to fulfill that desire of intimacy, of having someone by your side, leads us to stay with the wrong person. The blessing God has for us, in marriage, are being lost in short-term relationships. I do not want that for my life. I want a long lasting relationship where you grow old together. Love, just like God, is greater than what we think and know. And when God answers the petition of my heart, bring a Godly, righteousness man into my life, I hope and pray that our love will be a form of worship, honor, and exaltation for God. <3


  1. God will give you the desires of your heart, I'm pretty sure it's a promise of the Bible! Stay true to God and he will stay true to you! God bless!
